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Juggling for Writers

When my kids were teenagers, they convinced me that no self-respecting mom would leave the house without knowing how to juggle. Our lessons began with oranges, then rolled up socks, and finally they bought me a book titled Juggling for the Complete Klutz. It came with three multi-colored bags, and within days, I was juggling. I’m thinking there aren’t a lot of self-respecting moms who can juggle, so I was thrilled.

When I went to clown college at the age of 54, I was proud to be the only self-respecting female clown who could juggle. For a family reunion talent show, I stood between my kids and we juggled rolled up socks between the three of us. I thought we were big winners until my nephew juggled an apple, an encyclopedia, and a chainsaw (only kidding.) He juggled three different items and took a bite out of the apple each time it went around. Wow! Made our sock juggling seem pretty lame.

Now I find myself juggling writing projects. Pandemic Pandemonium is published as an ebook and I’m marketing, while More For Les is complete and published, but waiting for Amazon to make it available. The third book Turnaround at Sea is finished, but I’m stuck in the formatting stage. The fourth book is just a skeleton and will need the guts, meat, muscles, tendons, and skin on it before it’s ready to go. What a juggling act! Writing was the easy part. Are you juggling projects?


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